Davis Balestracci seminar

Steve Simon


A couple of people I work with are very interested in applying quality control in various processes at Children’s Mercy Hospital. We already have a quality improvement program in place, but these folks want to incorporate some ideas they learned after attending a seminar by Davis Balestracci at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement annual forum. I was unfamiliar with Mr. Balestracci’s work, but he has a very nice website (www.dbharmony.com) that discusses many of the left brain (analytic/rational) and right brain (emotional/intuitive) issues associated with implementing a quality program.

He has a nice quote on one of these web pages:

“The more you know what is wrong with your data... the more useful it becomes.” --Prof. John Tukey www.dbharmony.com/brain/leftbrain.php#1

Mr. Balestracci may be coming to Kansas City in June to give a talk in June. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say.

You can find an earlier version of this page on my old website.