I don’t do my fair share of peer-reviews, but I did do one recently and got a nice thank you note on Valentine’s Day. I am reproducing the text here, so I can refer to it later, if needed.
Dear Stephen,
I wanted to thank you for your time and dedication in reviewing manuscripts for BMJ Open. As a result of your contribution, we are able to continue publishing the best papers that advance science and support healthcare professionals and researchers around the world.
In recognition of your contribution, your name has been added to the annual list of reviewers on the journal website. You can also find other reviewer benefits that BMJ offers on the author hub.
Thank you once again, and I hope that you will continue to support the journal in 2023 and beyond.
Best wishes, Adrian Aldcroft
Editor-in-Chief BMJ Open
P.S. If you’d like to sign up for the journal’s content alerts, you can do so here.
- If you do not want to be publicly listed as a reviewer, please email [deleted] and your name will be removed.