A Review of Published Analyses of Case-Cohort Studies and Recommendations for Future Reporting

Steve Simon


I got a question about how to analyze a case cohort study in Stata. The person was following the code in a Stata conference presentation but was unsure about some of the details. Always looking for simple explanations that I myself don’t understand well, I found this nice article on how these case cohort studies are written up in the literature. Naturally, it provides a brief explanation of how you analyze data from a case cohort design along with several helpful references.

Stephen J. Sharp , Manon Poulaliou, Simon G. Thompson, Ian R. White, Angela M. Wood. A Review of Published Analyses of Case-Cohort Studies and Recommendations for Future Reporting. PLOS One, 2014 (June); 9(6): e101176. Available in html format.

You can find an earlier version of this page on my blog.