I was asked to fill out a conflict of interest form for a talk I will be giving in December. While I have not gotten any money directly from drug companies recently, I do have some financial support outside the hospital that might be considered a conflict of interest in some contexts. These sources of support do not relate directly or indirectly to the topic I will be discussing in December (or any of the topics that I plan to discuss), but it it better to disclose too much rather than too little. I will try to update this page as new sources of support appear.
Ongoing. I have been working with Fertility Solutions, Inc. on a study of sperm morphology classifications. The total consulting fees through October 2008 are less than $5,000.
Ongoing. I have been working with the Cleveland Chiropractic College on a variety of research projects for pay. The total consulting fees through October 2008 are less than $2,000.
Ongoing. I received royalties (variable, total to date less than $3,000) from Oxford University Press from sales of my book, Statistical Evidence in Medical Trials: What Do the Data Really Tell Us?
November 2007. I received a $500 honorarium and travel support (approximately $600) from the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology to give a 30 minute talk in Dallas, TX at their annual conference.
September 2007. I received a $500 honorarium from the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
April 2007. I received travel support (approximately $400) from the American Society for Andrology to give a short course in Tampa, FL at their annual conference.
March 2007. I received a $200 honorarium from the Medical Center of Independence to give a one hour seminar for their grand rounds in Independence, MO.
January 2007. I received a grant of $3,200 from Children’s Mercy Hospital to study accrual problems in clinical trials.
December 2006. I received $1500 in travel support from the International Quality & Productivity Center to give a talk and short course in London, England at their annual Data Mining and Signal Detection conference
October 2006. I received a $500 honorarium and travel support (approximately $400) from the Midwest Society for Pediatric Research to give a talk in Indianapolis, IN at their annual conference.
There are additional sources of outside support prior to July 2006, which I will try to list when I have time.
You can find an earlier version of this page on my old website.