Applications of the CUSUM chart

Steve Simon


I am interested in investigating the use of CUSUM charts in monitoring accrual rates, drop out rates, and adverse event rates in a clinical trial. Some references which I might cite in a literature review are:

  1. Cusums to measure chronic daily headache. E. Freidank-Mueschenborn, A. W. Fox. Headache 2006: 46(1); 110-4. [Medline]
  2. An automated, broad-based, near real-time public health surveillance system using presentations to hospital Emergency Departments in New South Wales, Australia. D. J. Muscatello, T. Churches, J. Kaldor, W. Zheng, C. Chiu, P. Correll, L. Jorm. BMC Public Health 2005: 5; 141. [Medline]
  3. Application of the CuSum technique to evaluate changes in recruitment strategies. P. McNees, K. H. Dow, V. W. Loerzel. Nurs Res 2005: 54(6); 399-405. [Medline]
  4. Use of the Cusum technique for evaluation of a CT-based navigation system for total knee replacement. R. S. Nizard, R. Porcher, P. Ravaud, E. Vangaver, D. Hannouche, P. Bizot, L. Sedel. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2004: (425); 180-8. [Medline]
  5. Retrospective cohort study of false alarm rates associated with a series of heart operations: the case for hospital mortality monitoring groups. J. Poloniecki, C. Sismanidis, M. Bland, P. Jones. Bmj 2004: 328(7436); 375. [Medline]
  6. Use of risk-adjusted CUSUM and RSPRT charts for monitoring in medical contexts. O. A. Grigg, V. T. Farewell, D. J. Spiegelhalter. Stat Methods Med Res 2003: 12(2); 147-70. [Medline]
  7. The learning curve of an academic cardiac surgeon: use of the CUSUM method. R. J. Novick, L. W. Stitt. J Card Surg 1999: 14(5); 312-20; discussion 321-2. [Medline]
  8. Individual assessment of antihypertensive response by self-starting cumulative sums. G. Cornelissen, F. Halberg, D. Hawkins, K. Otsuka, W. Henke. J Med Eng Technol 1997: 21(3-4); 111-20. [Medline]
  9. Implementing comprehensive quality control in the andrology laboratory. S. Clements, I. D. Cooke, C. L. Barratt. Hum Reprod 1995: 10(8); 2096-106. [Medline]
  10. Use of combined Shewhart-CUSUM control charts in internal quality control of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the typing of foot and mouth disease virus antigen. S. D. Blacksell, L. J. Gleeson, R. A. Lunt, C. Chamnanpood. Rev Sci Tech 1994: 13(3); 687-99. [Medline]
  11. A surveillance system based on a short memory scheme. D. L. Shore, D. Quade. Stat Med 1989: 8(3); 311-22; discussion 331-2. [Medline]