I’ve written a fair number of case studies involving research ethics and research fraud for the Chance Wiki. I want to take some of this material and produce some web pages with nice illustrations that will bring these cases to life and make them more memorable. This may eventually lead to a book, but that is quite a way down the road. Here are some of the Chance Wiki entries that I might want to work on.
- Chance News 22: I wasn’t making up data, I was imputing!
- Chance News 20: A clumsy attempt at anonymization
- Chance News 18: [What does “unable to replicate” mean?][cha3[
- Chance News 4: Can you get fired over the wording of a questionnaire
There are lots of other interesting case studies that I could work on.
The TGN 1412 trial involves a surprising turn in a “first in human” trials where six research subjects become violently ill. The descriptions of this trial are quite graphic, so it would lend itself well to an illustrated case study. For more details, see
- Anonymous. Theralizumab. Wikipedia. Available in html format
The death of Ellen Roche during an experiment using healthy volunteers is also an interesting case study. For more details, see
J Savulescu, M Spriggs. The hexamethonium asthma study and the death of a normal volunteer in research. Journal of Medical Ethics 2002;28:3-4. Available in html format or pdf format.
You can find an earlier version of this page on my old website.