I attended a lunch roundtable session on the role of statisticians in teaching Evidence-Based practice to future clinicians. I didn’t get a chance to write up a summary of this, but I wanted to share a handout that the roundtable leader, Renee Stolove, shared with the group.
The top six mistakes we’ve made or seen in teaching EBM.
- Teaching learners how to do research (rather than how to use it).
- Teaching learners how to perform statistical analyses (rather than how to interpret them).
- Teaching a pre-set series of content topics (rather than have content determined by patients' problems).
- Evaluating learners on the basis of their retention of facts (rather than their skills in obtaining, appraising, and applying “facts” to patients).
- Striving for closure by the end of every session (rather than leaving plenty to think about between sessions).
- Assuming that the necessary skills can be taught in Statistics, Research, or EBP courses alone.
Adapted from Evidence-Based Medicine. How to Teach and Practice EBM. Sackett, Straus, Richardson, Rosenberg, and Haynes 2000.
You can find an earlier version of this page on my original website.