The hedging hyperprior for the normal distribution: unknown mean, known precision


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, fig.width=8, fig.height=2)

I want to write a paper about the hedging hyperprior. I need to work out some simple examples first. Here is an example involving the normal distribution.

A simple Bayesian analysis with an informative prior.

There are lots of guides on the Internet on using a normal prior for data that is normally distributed with the population standard deviation $\sigma$ known or unknown. I used papers written by Kevin P. Murphy and Michael I. Jordan to get these formulas.

For simplicity, all sums and products are assumed to go from i=1 to n.

Consider a Bayesian analysis of an outcome variable that has a normal distribution. The density of the normal distribution is

$f(X; \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}}e^{-(X-\mu)^2 / 2\sigma^2}$

For this derivation, it is easier to write the density in terms of

$f(X; \mu, \tau) = \sqrt{\frac{\tau}{2 \pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\tau (X-\mu)^2}$



The parameter $\tau$ is called the precision. Note that some define the precision differently as the inverse of the standard deviation rather than the inverse of the variance.

Assume that $\tau$ is known and equal to $\tau_F$. Other cases with mean known and precision unknown and with both mean and precision unknown appear on different web pages.

For simplicity, we will drop any multiplicative constants not involving X or $\mu$

$f(X; \mu) \propto e^{-\frac{1}{2}\tau_F(X-\mu)^2}$

The conjugate prior for a normal distribution is also a normal distribution.

$g(\mu; \mu_0, \tau_0) \propto e^{- \frac{1}{2}\tau_0(\mu-\mu_0)^2}$

where the prior mean is $\mu_0$ and the prior precision is $\tau_0$.

For an informative prior distribution, $\tau_0$ is usually much smaller than $\tau_F$. The ratio $n_0=\tau_F/\tau_0$ is the effective prior sample size and is equivalent to adding $n_0$ pseudo data values of $\mu_0$ to the observed data.

You have collected a sample of n data points, $\mathbf{X} = X_1, X_2, …, X_n$. This gives you a likelihood of

$L(\mathbf{X} | \mu) \propto e^{- \frac{1}{2} \tau_F\sum(X_i-\mu)^2}$

Rewrite this by incorporating $\bar{X}$ into the squared term

$L(\mathbf{X} | \mu) \propto e^{-\frac{1}{2} \tau_F \sum (X_i-\bar{X}+\bar{X}-\mu)^2}$

When you square the term inside the sum, the cross-product cancels out, leaving you with

$L(\mathbf{X} | \mu) \propto e^{- \frac{1}{2} \tau_F (\sum(X_i-\bar{X})^2} e^{- \frac{n}{2} \tau_F (\bar{X}-\mu)^2}$

$L(\mathbf{X} | \mu) \propto e^{-\frac{n-1}{2}\tau_F S^2} e^{-\frac{n}{2} \tau_F (\mu-\bar{X})^2}$

The posterior distribution is proportional to the product of the prior and the likelihood.

$h(\mu | \mathbf{X}) \propto e^{- \frac{1}{2} \tau_0 (\mu-\mu_0)^2} e^{- \frac{n-1}{2} \tau_F S^2} e^{-\frac{n}{2} \tau_F(\mu-\bar{X})^2)}$

Drop the middle exponential term, which is constant with respect to $\mu$ and use high school algebra (completing the square) to get

$h(\mu | \mathbf{X}) \propto e^{ -(n\tau_F+\tau_0) (\mu- \frac {n\tau_F\bar{X}+\tau_0\mu_0} {n\tau_F+\tau_0})^2}$

which is a normal distribution. The posterior mean

$\frac{n \tau_F \bar{X} + \tau_0 \mu_0}{n\tau_F+\tau_0}$

and the posterior precision is

$n \tau_F + \tau_0$

The posterior mean can be written as a weighted average of the prior mean and the mean of the observed data.

$\frac{n \tau_F}{n\tau_F+\tau_0}\bar{X} + \frac{\tau_0}{n\tau_F+\tau_0}\mu_0$

A simple numerical example

x_max <- 8

mu0 <- 4
tau0 <- 8

tauF <- 0.6
n <- 10
xbar <- 2

mu1 <- (tau0*mu0+n*tauF*xbar)/(tau0+n*tauF)
tau1 <- tau0+n*tauF

x_grid <- seq(0.01, x_max, length=1000)

f <- function(x, mu, tau) {

g <- f

prior05 <- qnorm(0.025, mu0, 1/sqrt(tau0)) 
prior95 <- qnorm(0.975, mu0, 1/sqrt(tau0)) 

post05 <- qnorm(0.025, mu1, 1/sqrt(tau1)) 
post95 <- qnorm(0.975, mu1, 1/sqrt(tau1)) 

Let’s illustrate this with an informative prior with $\mu_0$ = 4 and $\tau_0$ = 8.

g_grid <- g(x_grid, mu0, tau0)
outside <- x_grid < prior05 | x_grid > prior95
x_color <- 
  ifelse(outside, "white", "gray")
data.frame(x=x_grid, y=g_grid) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
    geom_segment(aes(xend=x, yend=0), color=x_color) +
    geom_line() + xlab(" ") + ylab(" ")

plot of chunk normal-hedging-prior-03

This corresponds to a fairly informative prior distribution. This distribution places $\mu$ within 3.31 and 4.69 with 95% probability.

Let’s see what happens with this informative prior if you observe 10 values of x with a mean of 2. The likelihood is

f_grid <- f(xbar, x_grid, tauF)^n
x_color <- "white"
data.frame(x=x_grid, y=f_grid) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x, y)) + 
    geom_line() + xlab(" ") + ylab(" ")

plot of chunk normal-hedging-prior-04

Multiply these two together to get the posterior distribution.

h_grid <- g(x_grid, mu1, tau1)
outside <- x_grid < post05 | x_grid > post95
x_color <- 
  ifelse(outside, "white", "gray")
data.frame(x=x_grid, y=h_grid) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
    geom_segment(aes(xend=x_grid, yend=0), color=x_color) +
    geom_line() + xlab(" ") + ylab(" ")

plot of chunk normal-hedging-prior-05

The posterior distribution is not close to either the prior distribution or the likelihood. It places $\mu$ within 2.62 and 3.67 with 95% probability. It excludes the prior mean of 4 and it excludes 2, the mean of the data.

The hedging hyperprior

When the likelihood of your data and your informative prior are in conflict, you may wish to downweight the informative prior. You can do this by including a hedging hyperprior.

Define your prior distribution as a normal distributions with prior mean $\mu0$ and prior precision

$\tau_F+\lambda (\tau_0-\tau_F)$

where $\lambda$ ranges between 0 and 1 and $\tau_F$ is less than $\tau_0$. When $\lambda=0$, the prior precision reduces to $\tau_F$ which is equivalent to a prior sample size of $n_0=1$. When $lambda=1$, the prior precision is $\tau_0$ which represents the full strength of the informative priori distribution.

Place a hyperprior on the parameter $\lambda$. The uniform(0,1) distribution is a reasonable choice for the hyperprior, but others are possible.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, fig.width=8, fig.height=8)
lambda_grid <- seq(0, 1, length=60)
mu_grid <- seq(0, x_max, length=60)

gstar <- function(mu, lambda) {g(mu, mu0, lambda*(tau0-tauF)+tauF)}
density <- outer(mu_grid, lambda_grid, gstar)
op <- par(bg = "white") 
z_max <- max(density, na.rm=TRUE)
  zlim=c(0, 1.1*z_max),
  mu = 135, 
  phi = 30, 
## Warning in persp.default(mu_grid, lambda_grid, density, zlim = c(0, 1.1 * :
## "mu" is not a graphical parameter

plot of chunk normal-hedging-prior-07

This is the joint prior distribution of $\mu_0$ and $\lambda$.

It is hard to see at this scale, but the prior distribution is higher for small values of $\lambda$ when $\mu$ is very large or very small. This becomes more obvious if you remove the middle of the surface and rescale the Z-axis.

density <- outer(mu_grid, lambda_grid, gstar)
density[16:44, ] <- NA
op <- par(bg = "white")
z_max <- max(density, na.rm=TRUE)
  zlim=c(0, 1.1*z_max),
  mu = 135, 
  phi = 30, 
## Warning in persp.default(mu_grid, lambda_grid, density, zlim = c(0, 1.1 * :
## "mu" is not a graphical parameter

plot of chunk normal-hedging-prior-08

The likelihood function is constant across all values of $\tau$, so its surface looks like the following.

lambda_grid <- seq(0, 1, length=60)
mu_grid <- seq(0, x_max, length=60)

fstar <- function(mu, lambda) {f(xbar, mu, tau0)^n}
likelihood <- outer(mu_grid, lambda_grid, fstar)
z_max <- max(likelihood, na.rm=TRUE)
  zlim=c(0, 1.1*z_max),
  mu = 135, 
  phi = 30, 
## Warning in persp.default(mu_grid, lambda_grid, likelihood, zlim = c(0, 1.1
## * : "mu" is not a graphical parameter

plot of chunk normal-hedging-prior-09

The product of the prior and the likelihood is proportional to the posterior distribution.

lambda_grid <- seq(0, 1, length=60)
mu_grid <- seq(0, x_max, length=60)

hstar <- function(mu, lambda) {g(mu, mu0, lambda*(tau0-tauF) + tauF)*f(xbar, mu, tauF)^n}
density <- outer(mu_grid, lambda_grid, hstar)
z_max <- max(density, na.rm=TRUE)
  zlim=c(0, 1.1*z_max),
  mu = 135, 
  phi = 30, 
## Warning in persp.default(mu_grid, lambda_grid, density, zlim = c(0, 1.1 * :
## "mu" is not a graphical parameter

plot of chunk normal-hedging-prior-10

A contour plot shows where the probability is concentrated. The labels on the contour lines represent how much probabilty is found inside the contour line.

density <- density / sum(density, na.rm=TRUE)
density %>%
  as.vector %>%
  sort %>%
  rev -> sorted_density
cumulative_p <- 0
for (p in sorted_density) {
  cumulative_p <- p + cumulative_p
  density[density==p] <- cumulative_p
  levels=c(50, 75, 90)/100,

plot of chunk normal-hedging-prior-11

You can see that the hedging hyperprior did its job. The most probable values of $\lambda$ are small and the prior mean (4) is largely ignored in favor of the mean of the data (2).