Updates for 2008

Steve Simon


This page is osolete. I am keeping it around for mostly nostalgic reasons.


[no updates this month]


2008-11-25. The StATS website is back up and running again. The look is somewhat different, so as to match the style of the rest of the Children’s Mercy website. The content is pretty much unchanged, though they removed all references to my new website, as is their prerogative. I will gradually correct my links in the new site so that I can link back to all my old content. This will take a while. If you find any errors on my old website (I’m sure you’re shocked that Professor Mean would make any errors), please contact me and I’ll make the appropriate corrections on the new site.

2008-11-24. I am getting started again on producing illustrated case studies of research ethics. I have a main page for this project and a very early draft of the TGN 1412 trial in PDF format.

2008-11-05. The first issue of the Monthly Mean newsletter was released today. I hope you like it. If you haven’t signed up yet, it is easy. I am using a professional service, iContact, so you can be sure that your privacy will be respected and that you will be able to unsubscribe without a lot of hassles.

2008-11-03. Children’s Mercy Hospital has shut down the StATS website, at least temporarily. If you try to go to any page on my old website, you will get the following message “We’re sorry, but the Stats site is currently being revamped! Please check back soon.” I will start negotiating with Children’s Mercy to post the old material at my new website, but I am unsure how these negotiations will go. The copyright statement that was originally posted on the website before I tried to change these webpages to open source stated that individual educational use of these webpages is acceptable. If anyone has an individual educational need for any particular webpage at my old site, send me an email and I will get you a copy. If there is a favorite topic that you want covered at my new site, let me know and I will develop some new content on that topic that does not infringe on the copyright of the original page. Many of the links on this website to the content of the old website are now broken, and I will try to fix these as soon as possible.

2008-11-01. My last day at Children’s Mercy Hospital was Friday, October 31. It has been a wonderful twelve years. I am looking forward to my new career as an independent statistical consultant, but I will miss many friendships that I have developed with the people I have worked with.


2008-10-09. I am starting an email letter about Statistics, called the Monthly Mean. Although the first newsletter is not yet written, I have a main newsletter page, an archive page, and a very very early draft of the November newsletter.




2008-07-09. To avoid any controversy, I am re-organizing this site to avoid duplicating material at the StATS website. Once the issues of the open source license are resolved, I will add back the appropriate links. The main page which feeds into the duplicated material is the archive. I’ve disabled this link. A few select categories, associated with new material are available instead.

2008-07-08. There have been some questions raised about the open source license that I am using on the StATS website. I hope to resolve this issue soon. To be safe, please consider any material on the StATS website to have a copyright by Children’s Mercy Hospital.

2008-06-23. This website is just getting started. It borrows very heavily from the StATS website, which I wrote from 1997 through this month. I plan to move all of the important content here and then make updates solely to this page. The transition will be difficult as there are well over a thousand pages to adapt. Please give me a month or so to get everything perfect. For the short term, you may experience some problems with some of your favorite pages missing or moved to a different folder. Also, there may be some missing images, or some internal links don’t work quite right.

You can find an earlier version of this page on my original website.