Data visualizaiton as art

Steve Simon


I came across an interesting article in the New York Times and two books that all have a common theme. They use the tools of data visualization to make artistic statements.

The New York Times article, written by Anna Furman on May 21, 2019, chronicles the artistic work of Christine Sun Kim. Ms. Kim uses hand drawn pie charts to illustrate her life as a deaf person.

Near the end of the article, she mentions a book, Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America which shows and comments on a series of hand drawn data visualization by W.E.B. DuBois that illustrate the lives of black Americans in 1900.

That page mentions another interesting book, Dear Data, written by Giuorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec, two artists who shared insights about their lives in a series of postcards filled with hand-drawn graphics.