My special Zotero style

Steve Simon


I use Zotero to produce html code for the “Outside Resource” section of my category pages. It requires a special style which I have adapted.

Here are some resources that I have used in developing this style.

Rintze M. Zelle. Citation Style Language 1.0. Language Specification Excerpt: “The Citation Style Language (CSL) is an link XML format for describing the formatting of in-text citations, notes and bibliographies. CSL offers: An open format that may be used by any application; The ability to write compact and robust styles; Extensive support for style requirements; Automatic style localization; Easy distribution and updating of styles; A fast growing library with thousands of freely available styles. This document is meant as a complete and accurate specification of CSL 1.0. Additional documentation, such as the CSL schema, CSL styles, and information on how to add CSL support to applications, can be found at the official home of CSL, link” Available in html format.

Rintze M. Zelle. Citation Style Language 1.0. Primer Excerpt: “This primer is meant as a first introduction to the Citation Style Language (CSL), and is primarily aimed towards those wishing to create or modify CSL styles. Some knowledge about the structure of XML or HTML will come in handy. If you are completely unfamiliar with either markup language, check out one of the many online introductions to XML, e.g. W3Schools' link XML Tutorial. What is CSL? The Citation Style Language (CSL) is an open and free XML-based language for writing CSL styles, which describe how citations and bibliographies should be formatted. Citing plays an important role in academic literature: it can be used for attribution (which is important to avoid plagiarism), to give context to your research, and to eliminate the need to repeat previously published results.” Available in html format.

DokuWiki. Creating Citation Styles Excerpt: “The citation styles used by Zotero are written in the Citation Style Language (CSL). Zotero 2.0 supports CSL 0.8.1 styles, whereas Zotero 2.1 supports CSL 1.0. Documentation for CSL 1.0 is available at For CSL 0.8.1, documentation consists of the CSL 0.8.1 schema itself (written in RELAX NG Compact) and the CSL 0.8.1 syntax summary. Also available is a step by step guide to make minor style edits.” Available in html format.

DokuWiki. CSL 0.8 Syntax Overview Excerpt: “This page aims to provide extensive documentation on the syntax of version 0.8 of the Citation Style Language (CSL), including information specific to Zotero. Pointers on how CSL styles can be created, modified, validated, shared and installed in Zotero can be found here, together with more background information about CSL.” Available in html format.

Nagoya University Graduate School of Law. CSL Metadata Field Index Description: The fields in Zotero and the fields in CSL match up pretty closely, but there are some variants. This page helps you figure out things like how CSL expects to see motion_picture for a videoRecording in Zotero. Available in html format.

Zotero. Zotero Reference Test pane Description: You can load your Zotero style on this webpage and it will show you what the citations and bibliography look like. When you make changes to your style on this page, the citations and bibliography update automatically. Available in html format.

You can find an earlier version of this page on my original website.